What To Know About Kyphoplasty Recovery Time

What To Know About Kyphoplasty Recovery Time

What To Know About Kyphoplasty Recovery Time

If you have a spine compression fracture, then it can make life fairly difficult. One groundbreaking technique that you can do at a Chicago pain center is called kyphoplasty.

Kyphoplasty recovery time can be fairly quick. This minimally invasive procedure actually reinforces your damaged vertebrae and repairs it even if it’s collapsed. However there are some physical therapy and other follow up details that you should know about if you’re a vertebroplasty or kyphoplasty patient.

So if you’re planning on having kyphoplasty in Chicago, keep reading to learn more details about the recovery time for kyphoplasty surgery.

Kyphoplasty Surgery Recovery Time

After undergoing kyphoplasty, you can experience rapid relief from pain. However, the recovery period can last somewhere between four and six weeks depending on your individual circumstances.

You may be able to return to physical activity and even work before that point. You’ll be able to move around within a few hours of the surgery. Most people are able to go home that very same day making it an outpatient procedure.

Of course, Illinois Pain and Spine Institute will provide follow-up care recommendations. Your pain specialist will help you speed up your recovery by suggesting lifestyle activities, and activity factors that are most beneficial to you. This might even include things like short-term back bracing.

Luckily patients have a complete or significant reduction in their back pain over 75% of the time after this surgery. Before diving into the specific timeline expectations, let’s talk a little bit more about the recovery process itself.

Recovery Time After Kyphoplasty: The Process

This surgery is not an open procedure. That means you’re able to go home without spending the night at our medical center. However, follow-up is important as with any surgery. Here are some follow-up steps that you might expect:


Usually within a week after your procedure, the pain specialist will schedule an x-ray appointment with you. This allows your doctor to see how well your bone cement is functioning.


Between 10 to 12 days after your kyphoplasty in Chicago, you’ll follow up and your x-rays will be examined. You may have a spine adjustment and postoperative survey to answer.

Potential complications

Luckily complications with this procedure are rare. However, let your doctor know if you have any symptoms such as increased pain, numbness, redness, difficulty urinating, or drainage at the incision site.

Kyphoplasty Recovery Timeline

Understand that pain relief happens very fast, but kyphoplasty is usually performed on patients that may have osteoporosis.

Therefore, you should expect some kind of physical limitation during your recovery period. That being said, here’s the time for recovery from kyphoplasty and how it typically goes.

First day

For the first day of your kyphoplasty procedure recovery time, you should be able to walk out of the care facility on the first day. However, don’t lift anything heavy. Focus on resting and recovery.

The first four to six weeks

You should have significant pain relief over the first couple of days after the procedure. Still don’t strain yourself and lift anything that’s too heavy.

You can go back to normal activities as long as they’re fairly lightweight and low impact. Be diligent in performing your physical therapy or anything recommended by your pain doctor.

You may also be prescribed special vitamins or minerals during this period. This will help your bone health.

Four to six weeks

You should have a full recovery within six weeks. You can return to heavy exercise and lifting things. Still you want to be aware that you’re still dealing with a back that had damage in the past. Be sure to continue to strengthen yourself with diet, exercise, and supplementation.

Helping with recovery

In terms of aiding your kyphoplasty healing time, your pain specialist will be the best source of recommendations. They may prescribe medications like ibuprofen to avoid inflammation.

They may also suggest icing the site of your incision. Furthermore, physical therapy can be a very positive way to regain your full strength and flexibility after your surgery.

Recovery Time For Kyphoplasty Surgery: Conclusion

You don’t have to keep suffering through chronic pain in your back, neck, or spine. By reaching out to Illinois Pain and Spine Institute, you can relieve your pain for good. We treat the actual condition underlying your pain, not just the surface level symptoms.

Taking a holistic approach, our pain specialists will suggest treatments to alleviate all the pain that you’re experiencing, whether it’s caused by spondylosis, fibromyalgia, cancer, joint pain, or more. It’s time to start your path toward recovery and comfort today.