How are treat chronic headaches and migraines?

How are treat chronic headaches and migraines?

Chronic headaches and migraines affect millions of people. The most difficult aspect in their treatment is the fact that they are specific to each individual. Since everyone’s pain is

Causes of headache and migraine

Migraines and headaches are often misdiagnosed. The pain can be the result of a variety of factors, such as issues in the neck. Other causes include TMJ or jaw pain, vision or auditory sensitivity, facial pain, or sinus problems. Your pain doctor will conduct a detailed evaluation to identify the source of your symptoms and address the root cause and not just the pain.

Symptoms of headache and migraine

Everyone’s headaches are different but there are some common symptoms, like –

  • sensitivity to light
  • visual auras
  • nausea
  • throbbing in the head
  • soreness, stiffness, tension in the neck
  • ringing in the ears
  • blurry vision
  • watery eyes
  • nasal symptoms

Treatment for headache and migraine

There is no single approach to treat migraines and chronic headaches. The goal of headache management is to reduce tension and inflammation in the affected tissues by –

  • restoring mobility
  • improving muscle balance and posture
  • identifying activities that activate symptoms

Do not allow migraines or chronic headaches to stop you from enjoying life. Consult a pain doctor today!

If you are looking for pain clinic or center in Chicago, call one of the leading pain management clinics, Illinois Pain Institute at 800-340-PAIN Today! Illinois Pain Institute is Chicago’s leading and longest-established, multi-site pain management practice. Our doctors specialize in the accurate diagnosis and precise treatment of neck pain, back pain, herniated discs, sciatica, headaches, pelvic pain, musculoskeletal pain, and many other painful conditions.