Opioids may not be effective for chronic pain

Opioids may not be effective for chronic pain

Opioid addiction and overdose has become a growing epidemic in the United States. A position paper of the American Academy of Neurology (September 2014) stated there is a lack of evidence that opioids are effective for long-term pain relief. Most studies performed were an average of 5 weeks long, and results showed there was significant short-term pain relief. On the other hand, there was not enough evidence to support that opioids improve long term pain relief; furthermore we find that they cause serious health risks. Patients using opioids over long periods of time can develop an addiction, have serious health problems, and at times may not even report pain improvements. Sadly, the worst consequence of opioid misuse results in overdose. To combat these issues, physicians are working together to minimize prescribing high doses to patients. Any time a patient is prescribed pain medicine but still has pain is a good time to consult with a pain management specialist at Illinois Pain Institute.

There are alternative treatments to chronic pain besides opioids. Call the physicians at Illinois Pain Institute today for more information or set up an appointment here!

