What to Look for in a Pain Management Doctor

What to Look for in a Pain Management Doctor

Choosing a doctor can feel like a daunting task, especially when you are looking for a specialist.  While there are plenty of doctors around, sometimes it can be challenging to find a doctor you truly connect with and fully trust.  This can be even more difficult when dealing with a condition as sensitive as pain.  Many patients suffering from chronic pain have gone through the years of trying to find adequate solutions, being told their pain is not real, or simply not taken seriously by their treating physician.  While sometimes finding the correct physician requires trial and error, there are some things patients can do to make the process of finding a good pain management doctor a little easier.

Pain management specialists are a relatively new specialty in the field of medicine.  Because of this, pain management specialist credentials can vary, making it even more difficult for patients to determine which doctors are adequately qualified to treat their pain symptoms.  While all doctors have the ability to prescribe medications to treat pain, not all doctors are pain management specialists.  For this reason, it is important to do your due diligence as a patient and find out about your physician’s training and background prior to committing to the physician.  It is ok to interview doctors and not stick with the first doctor you meet.



In addition to understanding your physician’s experience and training, it is also important for you to have an understanding of the facility where you will be treated.  You could visit a phenomenal pain management specialist; however, if the facility where they work does not have cutting edge technology, their experiential cannot be fully used.  Look for centers that offer more than simply medication management.  Seek our physicians who treat pain using epidural injections, intercostal nerve blocks, spinal cord stimulation, and more.  There is a whole host of pain management treatments available for those patients who suffer from chronic pain.

Lastly, be sure that the physician you visit offers a consultation appointment.  One of the most important aspects of a patient-physician relationship is trust.  It is hard to build trust with someone you have never met before.  During consultation appointments, patients can ask questions and hear the doctor’s treatment plan.  An educated patient is a good patient.  Doctors who seem to be “too busy” or who do not address your concerns can be filtered out of your search.  The consultation appointment allows you and your loved ones to get a feel for what kind of care and treatment they can expect going forward.

It is always an overwhelming experience when you are diving into something new.  This is especially true when your health is at stake.  Many people who suffer from chronic pain have been suffering for a long time.  Trips to various specialists can leave patients feeling hopeless.  Fortunately, pain management is a new specialty that is gaining traction.  Determining the best pain management doctor for your specific situation is absolutely critical to getting the care you need and deserve.