What To Do When You Start Experiencing Back Pain

What to Do When You Start Experiencing Back Pain

What To Do When You Start Experiencing Back Pain

Chronic back pain is a debilitating condition that can greatly affect a person’s quality of life.  Most people will experience back pain at least once in their lives, especially as they age.  Back pain can have a lot of different causes.  It may be caused by an acute injury; it might be caused by old age; it might be caused by weak muscles.  Regardless, the end result is typically the same: pain.  Chronic back pain is one of the main reasons people visit their doctors.  It is also one of the main reasons people miss work.  The onset of back pain can be a scary symptom, especially for those of older age.  However, addressing back pain as soon as it occurs is absolutely key to minimizing the pain as time goes on.

When you first experience some kind of back pain, you should get in touch with your general practitioner.  If the pain is due to overworking a muscle, your general practitioner may recommend rest and ice.  However, if there is cause for further concern, your general practitioner may refer you to a specialist.  If this is the case, make an appointment with the specialist as soon as possible.  Getting treatment as early as possible is key to avoiding the condition worsening.

X-Ray Image Of Lower Back

In many cases, if your back pain is caused by something other than a strain, doctors will prescribe physical therapy.  It is important to follow the instructions of your physical therapist exactly.  This includes setting aside time to do stretches and exercises at home.  Strengthening your core and back muscles can greatly help chronic back pain.  If physical therapy does not help, your specialist may recommend other minimally invasive treatment options.  At this point, consulting with a pain management specialist may be necessary.

In most cases, lifestyle changes, medication, and physical therapy are enough to keep chronic back pain under control.  Regular exercise, proper diet, and weight loss can greatly help lessen the weight-bearing load placed on the spine that often causes pain as we age.  However, when these measures are not enough, creating a treatment plan with a pain management specialist may be required.  Surgery is typically a last resort when it comes to chronic back pain because, oftentimes, the surgeries do not help relieve pain.  Taking minimally invasive approaches is key to seeing an improvement in your symptoms.

Read more: Exercise Tips for Avoiding Low Back Pain

With the information we have now about the dangers of prescription medication for chronic back pain and the plethora of new minimally invasive treatments that have become available over the last decade, chronic back pain patients have more choices available now than ever before. While all people have a unique situation when it comes to pain, across the board, those who seek treatment earlier tend to have better results.  If you or someone you love is suffering from chronic back pain, contact us and make a trip to visit our Chicago Pain Center as soon as possible.  Even if it is nothing serious, at least you will have peace of mind.