What You Should Know Before Getting a Nerve Root Block

What You Should Know Before Getting a Nerve Root Block

Getting a nerve block can be a frightening procedure. However, learning how to prepare for the procedure can help ease you into it.

Once you know how a nerve block functions and what to expect, you may become a little more comfortable. This can help the procedure go smoothly and improve your overall experience of pain management.

What is a nerve block?

Nerve blocks are a procedure that blocks nerve signalling and thereby reduces pain. They are generally given to people who suffer from chronic pain or severe illnesses. The purpose of the procedure is to numb or block the nerves that are responsible for sending pain signals.

Nerve blocks can also be used as a diagnostic tool. They can help the doctors identify the source of chronic pain, so they can move forward with other treatments.

The procedure itself involves the injection of anaesthetic and steroid medication into the spine. The spine is a sort of canal through which all the nerves in the body flow. By isolating the nerves that are responsible for sending pain signals related to your condition, doctors can anaesthetize these nerves and help ease your condition.

Things to remember before your procedure

These are a few things that you may want to remember. They will help both you and your doctor of pain management Chicago enjoy a smooth procedure.

Don’t be afraid

Many people are hesitant, or even downright afraid, to receive treatment that involves needles. Remember, this treatment is safe and the doctors are well-trained. Doctors can provide you with anti-anxiety medication to reduce any discomfort that you’re feeling.

The needles also apply a local anaesthetic so the pain associated with the needles will be greatly reduced. Remember, this procedure is much less intensive than surgery and the risks are much less serious.

People respond differently to nerve blocks

Some people only need a single treatment to find relief. Other people require several treatments, each involving several needles, to find relief.

People who have struggled with chronic pain for many years may find that they require more intensive treatments. People with acute pain who have never struggled with a chronic illness may find relief immediately.

pain management Chicago

It may take time for you to feel the benefits

Once you’ve been injected with the steroid, it doesn’t immediately flood through the body. The steroid is gradually released so as to prevent overwhelming your biology.

However, this means that you may not feel the benefits of the injection until several days afterwards. The steroid peaks somewhere between 3 and 10 days after you’ve been injected.

The following day might be uncomfortable

Once the anaesthetic wears off, you may still feel a lingering soreness or pain where the injection took place. This soreness generally doesn’t last more than a couple of days. At the very worst, it will last until the steroids begin to take effect.


A nerve block procedure can be frightening. However, the fear itself is often worse than the procedure.

By preparing yourself mentally and physically for a nerve block, you can overcome any worries. This will ensure that you have a smooth procedure. Connect with a doctor of pain management Chicago to learn more.