Discography Specialists in Illinois

Spinal pain and discomfort affect countless Americans all over the country. Especially as we age, the discs surrounding our vertebrae can get worn down and require medical intervention. Our professional team can provide you with an expert discography spine procedure in Barrington, IL, to ensure your spinal health.

The Importance of Discography Medical Imaging

Also known as a discogram, discography spine services in Barrington, IL, allow our medical professionals to diagnose chronic back pain and other spine and back-related medical issues. With this state-of-the-art technology, discography specialists can help you repair and treat anything from damaged spinal disks to severe vertebrae issues.

Every vertebra in your spine has a disk between them, and as we age, these disks can be significantly damaged or worn down. Damage to these spinal disks lessens your body’s ability to absorb shock, which can lead to severe pain and other serious medical problems.

Typically, CT or MRI scans are used in conjunction with discography medical imaging to ensure medical professionals can diagnose spinal issues as accurately as humanly possible. A quality discography procedure in Barrington, IL, can help you manage pain and treat spinal ailments.

Preparing for Discography Medical Imaging

Our medical professionals work with you to ensure you’re properly prepped and comfortable before a discography procedure in our Barrington, IL, offices. We review your current medications and medical history to ensure the operation will go smoothly. Additionally, we require that you have a family member or friend ready to drive you to and from your appointment since you’ll be sedated during the procedure.

Post-Procedure Steps

Post-procedure, you can expect a tender, mild discomfort surrounding your injection area. However, discogram pain in Barrington, IL, is easy to manage and can be alleviated with simple, common pain relievers and by using at-home icing on the injection site. While the soreness can last up to a few days, most patients can comfortably return to home or work within 24 hours of their discography appointment.

Finding the Perfect Discography Specialist

Discography in Barrington, IL, can be quickly and passionately performed at our team’s offices. We pride ourselves on keeping appointments as efficient, painless, and professional as possible. Allow us to assist you in finding a new lease on life by determining exactly what spine-related ailments are affecting you. Contact our offices to set up a consultation and appointment at your earliest convenience.